Yak Headband Craft

Looking for a fun and easy craft to do with your students? Let your students make their own yak headband! This project is perfect for all ages, and it’s a great way to show off your creative side. Best of all, it’s super simple to make.

yak headband craft with printable template

Yak Headband Craft For Kids

Do you know what a yak is? I know it is one of the very few animals that start with the letter “Y”. Learning some fun facts about these strange animals can be even more fun when making an animal headband.

Yak are actually related to cattle and are found in cold climates around the world. They are mainly used for their fur, meat, and milk.

Yak are able to tolerate high altitudes and can live in very harsh conditions. They are also considered sacred animals in some cultures.

Did you know that yak can run up to 40 miles per hour? Or that they sometimes spit at predators to scare them away?

Encouraging learning through hands-on activities can really help make learning more fun for all those involved.

This craft is so easy to make with our simple instructions and printable template. This also means less mess, but just as much fun. All you have to do is print, color, and cut! So simple!

yak headband craft on green paper

Benefits of Doing Crafts with kids

When it comes to crafts, and making things with your own hands, there are so many benefits for kids! Not only is crafting a fun way to spend some quality time together, but it also helps teach important skills like patience, dexterity, and creativity.

Printable Yak Headband

Our Yak Headband is the perfect craft that can get your child or student engaging in their creativity and increasing their imagination. Our Papercraft Hulk Puppet and Paper Bag Dinosaur Puppet can also help your child be more creative and grow their brains. Be sure to check those out too!


  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc. 
  • Glue, tape, or stapler.
  • Yak Headband Template

How to Make a Paper Yak Headband

  • Print out your Yak Headband.
  • Cut along the dotted lines.
  • Add some color to your headband with your crayons, markers, or colored pencils. 
  • Use your glue, tape, or stapler to attach the two ends of the headband together.
  • Put it on your head to show off your very own Yak Headband!

Tips and Tricks To Making A Yak Headband

  • Use paint to add some color to your headband. Sure it can get a little messy, but it is so much fun for the kids! Plus it’s a great way to have their sensory needs met. If you are looking for a paint option that’s less messy but just as fun, try these spill-proof washable paints!
  • Add some googly eyes for some extra silliness! Just put the headband on your head and pounce around like a yak to see the eyes go crazy. 

Grab All Our Animal Headband Craft Templates Now!

More Yak Ideas…

Have your kids use their Yak Headband to pretend that they are Yaks grazing in a field! Set up a little habitat in your living room for them to play in.

Learning about the letter Y. Practice writing the letter Y with these Animal handwriting sheets while wearing your Yak headband.

Turn this Yak Headband Craft into a learning activity. Pair it with a documentary and then ask your kids or students to write some fun facts that they’ve learned on the back of the headband. 

For More Animal Craft Ideas Check Out These:

Share with us! 

We hope you enjoyed all our fun animal headband craft template ideas! Be sure to follow us, tag us on Instagram, and use the hashtag #frostingandglue so we can see all the finished craft projects you do with your kids! 

Yak Headband Craft

Yak Headband Craft

Looking for a fun and easy craft to do with your students? Let your students make their own yak headband! This project is perfect for all ages, and it’s a great way to show off your creative side. Best of all, it’s super simple to make.


  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc.
  • Glue, tape, or stapler.
  • Yak Headband Template


  • Print out your Yak Headband.
  • Cut along the dotted lines.
  • Add some color to your headband with your crayons, markers, or colored pencils. 
  • Use your glue, tape, or stapler to attach the two ends of the headband together.
  • Put it on your head to show off your very own Yak Headband


  • Use paint to add some color to your headband. Sure it can get a little messy, but it is so much fun for the kids! Plus it’s a great way to have their sensory needs met. If you are looking for a paint option that’s less messy but just as fun, try these spill-proof washable paints!
  • Add some googly eyes for some extra silliness! Just put the headband on your head and pounce around like a lion to see the eyes go crazy. 

    Get All Our Favorite Animal Craft Headbands Here!

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