Edible Fairy House

There’s something so mystical about fairies. The imagination that comes with the thought of such a sweet mystical person with wings and fairy dust flying around is so magical!

My daughter loves to use her dress up fairy wings and fly all over our home pretending she is a fairy. If your kid loves fairies as much as mine, then they are going to love making an Edible Fairy House! It is so creative and so cute, they will be so excited to create it for their own fairy! 

Edible Fairy House

Fairy House

Along with fairytales and other mythical creatures, fairies are a great way for the imagination to run wild. I know my daughter gets so excited each time she gets a visit from the tooth fairy. She loves to imagine her sneaking into her room to leave a surprise under her pillow. The smile on her face when she wakes up in the morning to see what the fairy left her is so heartwarming! 

Fairies tend to be bright, full of magic, and incredible just like this Edible Fairy House will be! It is so fun to build and absolutely adorable to look at when it is finished. It’s like a really fun and enchanting spin on a gingerbread house! There are so many possibilities to create something really special that your kid is going to love! 

I know that the fairy loving kid in your home is going to love to do this extraordinary activity with you. Give it a try!  

How to make Edible Fairy House

Fairy House made with poptarts


Fairy House

How to Make a Edible Fairy House

  • Place the pop-tarts on a plate or cutting board, and cut the top corners off at an angle to form a peak at the top of the pop-tarts. On one of the pop-tarts cut a small door at the bottom.
Fairy House
  • Next, drape a ziploc bag or piping bag over your hand and fill with some strawberry frosting. Cut the tip of the bag, and pipe some frosting on the outside edge of the back of the pop-tart with the door cut-out. Place graham crackers onto the frosting, and then add more frosting to the other end of the graham crackers, and attach the other pop-tart. Let sit for approximately 5-10 minutes to set, and allow the frosting to harden just a bit.
  • Pipe frosting along the edges of the peak of the pop-tarts, and place graham crackers on both sides as the roof of the fairy house. Pipe more frosting in lines up and down the graham crackers, and begin placing pretzels onto the frosting.
  • Pipe frosting down the middle of the roof, and decorate with leaf sprinkles and flower icing decorations.
  • Last, pipe some frosting all around the bottom of the fairy house, and add some green sugar sprinkles and jimmies sprinkles to be the grass. Place some leaf sprinkles, flower icing decorations, and chocolate mushroom candies on top of the green sprinkles. Let sit for just a few minutes to allow the frosting to set again, and then enjoy!

Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure your frosting is at the right consistency. Frosting that is too warm could be too runny to hold things in place. Frosting that is too dry could prevent the structure from setting correctly. 
  • Instead of filling the piping or ziplock bag over your hand, try setting it into a large glass and folding the bags over the edges of the glass. This will allow you to easily scrape the frosting into it and the bag will stay open. 
  • If you don’t like the Strawberry Milkshake Poptarts, use a different kind and you can always change the theme of your fairy’s house! 

More ideas with Fairies

Because I think that fairies are so much fun, I got my daughter some adorable fairy wings. She loves to play around in them and they make her feel so pretty! It’s adorable how their imaginations take flight when we give them something they love.

I love storytime before bed. I really like reading Fairies Are Real! to her before she starts dreaming away! 

Lastly, I really love this Little Growers Fairy Garden Craft Kit. It’s so much fun because they literally get to watch their fairy garden grow! My daughter lets her sit near her window and it’s so pretty! 

Love this Edible Fairy House? Pin it for Later!

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You’ll need a program that supports PDFs. Adobe Acrobat is a great option. Open the program, click file, then print. Select your printer and the number of copies you want to print. Be sure you click double-sided if you want it to print on both sides. 

Can I Resell These?

You may not resell any printable or template that you find on our website or receive in your email. You may use them for class parties, at church, at home, or in the classroom. You may get these printed at an office supply store or copy center at your own expense.

1 thought on “Edible Fairy House”

  1. This is such a cute idea! It can also be used to make a simpler version of a gingerbread house. I don’t know about you, but when my kids try to put one of the gingerbread kits together, they always fall apart. This would be a better way and could be decorated for the holidays!


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