Discover 154 remarkable animals beginning with the T! Learn about the impressive traits, habitats, and behaviors of these terrific animals as you embark on a captivating journey through these animal facts.

Commonly Known Animals That Start With T

Tarantulas are feared worldwide, but most of the 900 different species of tarantula are pretty harmless. Unless they are threatened, tarantulas are not aggressive. The bite of a Tarantula is no more harmful than a bee sting to most humans. Baby Tarantula takes up to 10 years to fully mature. The Goliath Birdeater Tarantula is enormous and can be up to 11 inches long!
Tennessee Walking Horse
Tennessee Walking Horses, or Tennessee Walkers, are known for their three gentle gaits. They are trained to perform these three gaits from an early age. Tennessee Walkers have been bred over time to ensure that the gait is perfected over time. Due to their body shape and their gait, special saddles are required for Tennessee Walkers.

Termites are everywhere, literally. Termites are wood eaters, so usually where is wood, there are termites. There are so many termites on Earth that if you collected them all and weighed them, they would weigh more than all the humans on Earth! The largest colony of Termites ever found had over 3 million Termites in it! Wonder how a colony can get that big. A Termite Queen can lay up to 25 eggs per minute, that is over 30,000 eggs a day!
Tibetan Fox
The Tibetan Fox can be found living on the Tibetan Plateau in Asia. The Tibetan Fox is built smaller and low to the ground, with brown coloring that blends with its surroundings. Unlike other fox species, the Tibetan Fox will work with other animals to capture prey and will share them. The Tibetan Fox has a square face with flatter features than other species of foxes.

Did you know that Ticks are not insects? It is an arachnid, like a spider! It has four pairs of legs and no antennae. Tick’s only meal is blood, they will clasp onto any living thing and suck its blood for nutrients. Ticks mainly live in tall grass and wooded areas, so if you go hiking, make sure to check you and your animals for Ticks.
Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. Tigers are nocturnal, so they hunt and are most active at night. Tigers are fast runners and can get up to speeds around 37 miles per hour. The stripes on a Tiger are like human fingerprints and are unique to each Tiger. The urine of the Tiger smell like buttered popcorn, oddly enough.

Tiger Shark
The Tiger Shark can be found in all the oceans around the world. The Tiger Shark gets its name from the markings they are born with that look like Tiger stripes. Over their lifetime, the stripes fade. Since the Tiger Shark can grow up to 18 feet long and weigh around 2,000 pounds, it is one of the larger members of the shark family. The Tiger Shark prefers to live in the shallow portions of the ocean.
Timber Wolf
The Timber Wolf is also known as the Grey Wolf. They can be found living in North America, Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. Timber Wolves are the largest of the wolf species, growing to be 3 feet tall at the shoulders and 6 feet long from nose to tail. Timber Wolves are social animals and live in groups of other wolves, ranging from 2-20 other wolves. Timber Wolves help regulate the larger animal population by eating moose, elk, and caribou.

Toads and frogs are cousins and share some of the same physical traits. One way to tell a toad and a frog apart is their skin, Toads are dry-skinned and frogs are wet-skinned. Toads can be found in all regions of North America. Most Toads eat insects, but some eat small mammals. Currently, all species of Toads are on the endangered species list.
The Tortoise is a very intelligent and interesting cousin of the turtle. Tortoises are considered turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. A characteristic that tells the difference is that Tortoises do not swim. They adapted to live on land. Tortoises can grow to be very old, there was a tortoise that was cared for by Charles Darwin and Steve Irwin that was estimated to be 175 years old! The Tortoise has both an endoskeleton (internal bones) and an exoskeleton (its hard outer shell).

Tree Frog
Despite their name, not all Tree Frogs live in trees. Tree Frogs can be found all over the world, except Antarctica. The Squirrel Tree Frog actually has the ability to change the color of its skin! Tree Frogs enjoy a good insect meal but are not picky. If they can fit it in their mouth, they will eat it. This makes them great pets. A Tree Frog can breathe three different ways, through their nose, their mouth, and their skin.
Trout are freshwater fish that can be found in North America, Asia, and Europe. They enjoy the clear water of rivers and streams with vegetation on the banks. Trout are a favorite fish of angler fishers due to their taste and nutrient rich meat. There are three different types of trout: fresh water, salt water, and anadromous which live in salt water but lay their eggs in fresh water. An interesting fact about trout is baby trout do not have scales for the first month of life!

Tuna are a species of fish that live in the oceans of the world. There are 15 species of Tuna, but some are going extinct due to overfishing. Depending on the species of Tuna, they can be very small or as long as 7 feet! Tuna are fast swimmers and can reach speeds of 43 miles an hour!
Turkey, the food of Thanksgiving, is more interesting than once thought! Did you know that a turkey’s head can change colors? Depending on how they are feeling, or if they see someone they like, their head can change from red, to white, to blue. The more vibrant the color, the stronger the emotion. If you need to determine if a Turkey is male or female, look at their poop. Males have ‘J’ shaped poop, and females have spiral shaped poop.

Turtles are one of the oldest animal groups, dating back to the time of dinosaurs! Turtles are easily recognizable by their amazing shell, which is part of their skeleton. A turtle’s shell is its ribs and spine; without its shell it would die. Turtles can live for a very long time, one of the oldest turtles is recorded to be 188 years old! There are 300 species of turtles in the world, but 129 of those are on the endangered species list.
Dogs that Start with T
Taco Terrier
Teacup Chihuahua
Teacup Maltese
Teacup Poodle
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier
Tenterfield Terrier
Texas Heeler
Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Spaniel
Tibetan Terrier
Toy Fox Terrier
Toy Poodle
Transylvanian Hound
Treeing Tennessee Brindle
Treeing Walker Coonhound
Zoo Animals that Start with T

Tamarin Monkeys are native to Central and South America. Tamarin monkeys come in all shapes and colors, like the Golden Tamarin which is bright orange, or the Mustached Tamarin which has a long mustache. All tamarin’s are small, they are no bigger than a squirrel. They are very social animals and enjoy living in groups of around 40 other tamarins.
Tasmanian Devil
The Tasmanian Devil got its name for the terrifying noises it makes. Tasmanian Devils may not be very large but their bite is mighty! Their jaws are so powerful they can break your bones! Despite being seen as ferocious, the Tasmanian Devil is actually very shy. They are currently on the endangered species list. Tasmanian Devils live in Tasmania, which is an island off the coast of Australia.

Thorny Devil
The Thorny Devil is a lizard native to Australia. Despite their threatening appearance, the Thorny Devil only eats ants. They capture ants with their sticky tongue. The Thorny Devil changes its color depending on the temperature, from pale yellow when hot to dark red when it is cold.
The Toucan is one of the most distinguishable birds in the world. Due to their large, bright orange bill, you can spot a toucan easily. Despite the large size of their bill, it is not actually heavy since it is made of keratin which is lightweight. There are around 40 different species of Toucans. Toucans live in rainforest canopies and actually help rainforest growth by pooping out the seeds of the fruit they eat, which grows new trees.
Other Animals that Start with T

Tailless Tenrec
Tailless Whip Scorpion
Taimen Fish
Tangerine Leopard Gecko
Tapanuli Orangutan
Tarantula Hawk

Tasmanian Tiger
Tasmanian Tiger Snake
Tawny Eagle
Tawny Frogmouth
Tawny Mining Bee
Tawny Owl
Teacup Miniature Horse
Teddy Bear Hamster
Teddy Guinea Pig
Tegu Lizard
Teira Batfish

Tent Caterpillar
Telescope Fish
Ten-Lined June Beetle
Tentacled Snake
Terror Bird
Texas Blind Snake
Texas Brown Tarantula
Texas Coral Snake
Texas Garter Snake
Texas Indigo Snake
Texas Night Snake

Texas Rat Snake
Texas Spiny Lizard
Thai Ridgeback
Thornback Ray
Thresher Shark
Thylacoleo carnifex

Tiger Beetle
Tiger Moth
Tiger Muskellunge (Muskie)
Tiger Rattlesnake
Tiger Salamander
Tiger Snake
Tiger Swallowtail
Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar
Tiger Trout
Timber Rattlesnake
Timor python
Tire Track Eel
Titan Beetle

Toddy Cat
Tokay Gecko
Tomato Hornworm
Trapdoor spider
Tree Cricket
Tree Kangaroo
Tree Snake
Tree Swallow
Tree Viper (Bamboo Viper)

Trumpeter Swan
Tsetse Fly
Tuco Tuco
Tufted Coquette
Tufted Titmouse
Tully Monster

Tundra Swan
Turkey Vulture
Turkish Angora
Turtle Dove
Turtle Frog
Tussock Moth
Tussock Moth Caterpillar
Twig Snake
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Wow! That was a lot of animals that start with T. Did you learn about a new animal? We’d love to hear about it. Leave us a comment.
If you’re looking for other unique and interesting animals, be sure to check out our other Animals lists.
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- Terrific Animals that Start with T