We all know the common animals that start with A, but now we have more animal facts for you to share with friends! Did you know that Aardvarks and Anteaters are different animals? Or that Apes do not have tails? Check out these animals that start with facts and impress your friends.

Commonly Known Animals That Start With A

Aardvarks are often mistaken for Anteaters. Even though they do eat ants, Aardvarks are different than Anteaters. Aardvarks are nicknamed “Earth Pigs” because the end of their snout looks like a pig’s nose. Aardvarks are native to Africa, specifically in the Sahara. Aardvarks are about the size of a small pig, weighing around 110 lbs and growing to be about 74 inches long. Their long, which helps them gather ants in their holes, is about 12 inches long! The main meals for Aardvarks are ants and termites. They can eat up to 50,000 insects a night!
Admiral Butterfly
Admiral Butterflies are very friendly, they like being around people. Admiral Butterflies are found all over the world, so you may see one in your backyard someday. These butterflies like to lay their eggs on stinging nettle weeds, so make sure you keep an eye out while doing yard work. Admiral Butterflies are very fast fliers, so if you try to catch on you will have to be quick!

African Bush Elephant
The African Bush Elephant is the largest land mammal in the world! Of the three types of elephants, they are the largest. A fully grown adult is 13 feet tall and around 24 feet long! An African Bush Elephant can live for 70 years. African Bush Elephants travel in a group that is controlled by the oldest female elephant. Male African Bush Elephants live alone and are not part of the group.
Africanized bee (killer bee)
Africanized Bees are also known as Killer Bees. They travel in large swarms that can attack when they feel threatened and have killed over 1,000 humans. Africanized Bees do not actually live in Africa, despite their name, they are found in North, Central, and South American countries. Africanized Bees are actually breeding of two different types of bees, African and European Honey Bees.

Akita Shepherd
An Akita Shephard is actually a mixed breed between a German Shephard and an Akita. They are also called Shekita’s. Akita Shepherds are very loyal and loving dogs. Akita Shepards make wonderful watchdogs and will only bark when danger is near. They love being around their family and enjoy a good cuddle.
Alaskan Husky
Alaskan Huskies are a very hard-working and loyal breed of dog. They enjoy being around their family and hate being left alone. They often howl when their family leaves them at home. The Alaskan Husky was bred to pull the sleds through the snow during the winter, so they love going for long runs as long as it is not too hot. As worker dogs, they need to be kept occupied or they get destructive.

Alligators were once on the brink of extinction but now they are thriving. Primarily, they live in Florida and Louisiana and inhabit the waterways and golf courses of those states. Alligators are not capable of living in salt water and need fresh water to survive, so if you see two eyes peeking out of salt water then it’s a crocodile. A fully grown Alligator can weigh up to 1,000 pounds and grow to 15 feet long! Baby alligators are laid in eggs, if the nest is too warm then all the babies will be male, but if the next is cool, then all the babies will be female. You can tell how large an alligator is by how far apart their eyes are, the farther apart the larger the alligator!
Try making an Alligator Papercraft that will be sure to add some fun to your learning all about Animals that being with the letter A!
Alpacas are cousins to the Llama and the Camel and can be found all over the world. Alpacas are extraordinary pets and are soft and calm. Alpacas are known for their very soft fur, and it is often used in clothing. Their fur is the second strongest animal fiber in the world! Alpacas are smaller than Llamas, growing to be only around 3 feet tall at the shoulder. Alpacas do not mind sharing their pasture with other species of animals and get along well with sheep, horses, and goats.

Alpine Goat
Originally, the Alpine Goats lived in the cold climate of the Alps of Switzerland. Now they are found all over Europe and North America. Alpine goats are the most popular goats for milk, cheese, and butter. Alpine goes live for a very long time and are great herd pets. If you have Alpine Goats in warmer weather, they will need an air-conditioned barn to live in. There are actually four different types of Alpine goats: French Alpines, British Alpines, Rock Alpines, and American Alpines.
American Pygmy Goat
American Pygmy goats can be found all over America, in every region. They are adapted to live in mountains, plains, farmland, and rocky terrain. Pygmy goats are very small and only grow to be around 2 feet tall, but they are still bigger than teacup goats. American Pygmy Goats are very playful and love to jump! They can jump up to 5 feet in the air. American Pygmy Goats eat plants and grains but will nibble on anything because of an inbred habit to explore with their mouths.

Anacondas are a snake that lives in South America and can be found in the Amazon River. There are four species of Anaconda, with green Anacondas being the largest. The largest Anaconda ever measured was 39 feet long! Anacondas are nonvenomous snakes and kill their prey by constricting or squeezing them, to death. Afterward, they swallow their prey whole.
Angelfish are freshwater fish that can be found all over the world. They make wonderful freshwater tank pets. In the wild, they prefer to live in coral reefs. Their flat body makes it easy for them to slip in between the rocks for protection. During the course of their lives, their coloring changes, young Angelfish have black stripes and they will fade to yellow as they age.

Ants are amazing insects! They have the capability to carry over 50 times their own body weight. Ants do not have lungs or ears! Ants breathe through holes in their bodies but do not have room in their bodies for actual lungs. Ants use vibration instead of sound to “hear”. There are one million ants for every 1 person in the world!
Anteaters are the cousin of the aardvark. They share similar diets of ants and termites and use their long tongue to get those insects out of their holes or hills. Anteaters are native to Mexico, Central, and South America. Anteaters are known for their amazing long tongue which measures 2 feet in length. They can extend their long 150 times a minute!

Antelope are native to Asia and Africa, but can now be found in North America also. They are known for their long graceful leaps. There are 91 different species of Antelope around the world. Antelope are distinguished by their spiral horns and small stripes on their bodies. Antelopes live in herds with up to 20 members in each herd.
Armadillos are interesting looking creatures with armor-plated bodies. Those plates are able to protect them against most predators, but not cars. The 9-banded armadillo is the species found in the United States, but the rest of the 21 species can be found in Central and South America. Armadillos have an omnivore diet but mostly eat insects.

Asian Elephant
The Asian Elephant is the largest mammal in Asia but is smaller than their African Elephant cousins. Asian Elephants live in groups led by the oldest female elephant, called a matriarchy. There are fewer than 50,000 Asian Elephants and are on the endangered species list.
Dogs that Start with A
Afghan Hound
Ainu Dog
Airedale Terrier
Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)
Alaskan Klee Kai
Alaskan Malamute
Alaskan Shepherd
Alpine Dachsbrack
American Alsatian
American Bulldog
American Bully
American Cocker Spaniel
American Coonhound
American Dog Tick
American Eskimo Dog
American Foxhound
American Leopard Hound
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Pugabull
American Staffordshire Terrier
American Water Spaniel
American Wirehair
Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Appenzeller Dog
Apple Head Chihuahua
Australian Bulldog
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Kelpie Dog
Australian Labradoodle
Australian Retriever
Australian Shepherd
Australian Shepherd Mix
Australian Terrier
Zoo Animals that Start with A

Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguins are smaller penguins that resemble tuxedo penguins in their marking. They live in the Antarctic icepack. Adelie Penguins build nests for their eggs out of pebbles! Most male Adelie Penguins use the same next year after year. The Adelie Penguin eats shrimp and krill and can dive 575 feet to find food.
African Bullfrog
The African Bullfrog is the largest frog in Southern Africa. A male African Bullfrog can grow to be up to 10 inches long and weigh 4 pounds, but the female African Bullfrog is smaller. The African Bullfrog is one of 4 species of frogs that have teeth. They love to eat and will eat anything, even their own tadpoles (babies).

The Albatross has the largest wingspan of any bird and has the ability to fly for years without touching land. Albatross are perfectly adapted to living out on the ocean and using the wind currents to glide. The oldest Albatross recorded was a 61-year-old female who was still laying eggs and raising chicks. Since they spend so much time out at sea, they have adapted to drinking salt water and the salt is excreted through a glad by their eyes.
Albino (Amelanistic) Corn Snake
The Albino Corn Snake is the same animal as the Corn Snake but lacks pigmentation so it is mostly light colored. Corn Snakes make excellent pets since they are nonvenomous snakes and are very adaptable. Since Corn Snakes are nonvenomous, they constrict their prey, which is usually small rodents. Corn Snakes are nocturnal and mostly active at night.

Aldabra Giant Tortoise
The Aldabra Giant Tortoise is one the largest land tortoises, weighing 550 pounds when fully grown. They can live to be 150 years old! The Aldabra Giant Tortoise is native to an island off of Madagascar. They have the ability to not eat for long periods of time. Aldabra Giant Tortoises are very buoyant and can hold their breath underwater for 30 minutes.
Amazon River Dolphin (Pink Dolphin)
The Amazon River Dolphin is a freshwater dolphin that lives in the Amazon, hence its name. A baby Amazon River Dolphin is actually born grey and its color changes over its life time. The male Amazon River Dolphins are pinker than the female dolphins. They are the largest and smartest of the freshwater dolphins. A fully grown Amazon River Dolphin is 9 feet long and can weigh up to 400 pounds.

There are over 1,000 different species of Anemones in the earth’s oceans. They are often called sea flowers due to their distinct look. Anemones are not plants and are carnivorous. They use their tentacles to stun and paralyze fish that come to close. Anemones have the ability to move because they have one foot. That foot attaches to rocks so they do not float away.
Angel sharks get their name from the wing-like fins on the side of their body. These flat sharks live on the bottom of the ocean, so their flat bodies help them blend in. Angel sharks are often mistaken by divers for stingrays due to their similar shape and markings. One amazing adaptation to living at the bottom of the ocean is their ability to breathe without moving. As of 2023, they are critically endangered.

Apes are the closest animal relatives that humans have, we share 98% of our DNA. Apes are different than monkeys, monkeys have tails while apes do not. Apes are also larger and have bigger brains than monkeys. The average Ape is 5 feet tall and can weigh 200-400 pounds. Apes live in communities of around 30 members. Apes take care of their young much like humans do. Some apes take 18 years to become adults.
Asiatic Black Bear
The Asiatic Black Bear is a bear native to Asia. The Asiatic Black Bear can be distinguished from the American Black Bear by its ears. The Asiatic Black Bear has ears farther apart on its head than American Black Bears. Asiatic Black Bears are nocturnal, sleeping during the day and hunting at night.

Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic puffins are also known as the Clown of the Sea. Their short bodies and bright orange beaks make them easily identifiable. The Atlantic Puffin is native to Iceland and lives on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. They only return to land to breed. Atlantic Puffins spend the majority of their lives out on the ocean. Puffin pairs mate for life and lay their eggs in holes on the cliffside.
Other Animals that Start with A

Abyssinian Cat
Abyssinian Guinea Pig
Acadian Flycatcher
Achrioptera Manga
Ackie Monitor
Aesculapian Snake
African Civet
African Clawed Frog
African Fish Eagle
African Forest Elephant
African Golden Cat
African Grey Parrot
African Jacana

African Penguin
African Palm Civet
African Sugarcane Borer
African Tree Toad
African Wild Dog
Agama Lizard
Agkistrodon Contortrix
Alaskan Pollock
Albacore Tuna
Amano Shrimp

Amazon Parrot
Amazon Tree Boa
Amazonian Royal Flycatcher
Ambrosia Beetle
American Alligator
American Cockroach
American Eel
American Paddlefish
American Robin
American Toad
Amethystine Python (Scrub Python)
Amphicoelias Fragillimus
Amur Leopard

Angled Sunbeam Caterpillar
Angora Ferret
Angora Goat
Anna’s Hummingbird
Anole Lizard
Antarctic Scale Worm
Antiguan Racer Snake
Apennine Wolf
Apple Moth
Arabian Cobra
Arabian Wolf
Arafura File Snake
Archelon Turtle
Arctic Char
Arctic Fox
Arctic Hare
Arctic Wolf

Argentine Horned Frog
Arizona Bark Scorpion
Arizona Black Rattlesnake
Arizona Blonde Tarantula
Arizona Coral Snake
Armadillo Lizard
Armenian Gampr
Armored Catfish
Aruba Rattlesnake
Ashy Mining Bee
Asian Arowana

Asian Cockroach
Asian Giant Hornet
Asian Lady Beetle
Asian Longhorn Beetle
Asian Palm Civet
Asian Vine Snake
Asian Water Monitor
Asp Caterpillar
Assassin Bug
Assassin Snail
Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Salmon
Atlantic Sturgeon
Atlas Beetle

Atlas Moth
Australian Cockroach
Australian Firehawk
Australian Flathead Perch
Australian Gecko
Australian Mist
Axanthic Ball Python
Ayam Cemani
There you have it! There are a lot of animals that begin with A. Hopefully you found an animal that you didn’t know about before. If you did, leave a comment! We’d love to know.
If you’re looking for other unique and interesting animals, be sure to check out our other Animals lists.
- Amazing Animals that Start with A
- Captivating Animals that Begin with C
- Animals That Begin With E
- Interesting Animals that Start With G
- Animals That Begin With J
- Animals That Begin With K
- Animals That Begin With L
- Terrific Animals that Start with T
Michele is a mom of 5 with her degree in marriage and family studies. She believes that one of the best ways you can spend time with your family is doing fun things together.