When thinking about all the animals that are in the world, you may not think of animals that begin with Q as often as you think of animals that start with A. Regardless of this though, there are some pretty fascinating animals that start with Q to explore.

From the deserts to the rain forests and even in our own backyards, we will find some pretty cool animals that start with the letter Q. Some have the coolest features while others are such mysterious creatures.
Let’s dive in to learn about some of the most common animals that start with Q to see how many you have heard of and learn new facts about each one.
Commonly Known Animals That Begin With Q
These 5 animals are pretty common animals that begin with Q. These facts are downright cool that you will love sharing with your friends.

Quahog Clam
The Quahog Clam can be found in the shallow inland waters of North America and Europe. Their fleshy insides are edible and used in many recipes. Despite not having any external appendages they do have a muscular “foot” that they use to walk to find a mate. They are very slow walkers and only go 1-2 inches in 15 minutes.
Quails are interesting looking little birds. They have ample bodies and short little legs. They also have a feather, just one, that sticks forward toward their beak from their forehead. Despite having little legs, their wings are powerful and can help them fly 40 miles per hour! Quail can be poisonous because of their diet of Hemlock. When a human eats a quail that has eaten hemlock, the toxins in the quail meat are transferred to the human. It is best to eat Quail that are raised on quail farms rather than one you catch in nature.

Queen Snake
The Queen Snake is an aquatic snake that is found in the rivers and wetlands of North America. They are a nonvenomous snake that primarily eats crayfish. Queen snakes are not very big and only grow to be around 12 inches long. Their slender bodies and armor-like scales on their head and neck allow them to burrow under rocks to find crayfish.
The Quetzal is a gorgeous bird that is a bright teal and red color and has a long tail. The earliest recording of the Quetzal was in the time of the Mayans of Mexico. The Mayans believed that the Quetzal was a messenger from the God of the Air. Quetzals love avocados and can actually swallow large fruits whole! Unfortunately, the Quetzal is on the endangered species list due to their habitat being destroyed and people capturing them for pets.

Queen Alexandra’s birdwing
Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing is one of the world’s largest insects. Did you know they have a wingspan of 11 inches! Unfortunately, they are very rare due to the deforestation of their natural habitat in Papua New Guinea. The female Birdwing is more vibrant in color and larger than the male Birdwing.
Zoo Animals That Start With Q
Headed to the zoo? Be sure to see if you spot these zoo animals that start with Q while you are there.

The Quokka are known for their Kangaroo-like appearance and their happy smiling faces! The Quokka has large legs to hop with and smaller front legs, but their body resembles that of a larger mouse. The island they inhabit has so many Quokka that they will just wander into shops and restaurants. They are still wild animals with sharp teeth. Did you know there is a fine for touching them?
Quoll is native to Tasmania and Australia. They look like a spotted version of a mongoose, with slender bodies and long tails. The Quoll are carnivorous hunters that only come out at night. They prefer to eat birds, small mammals, and reptiles. Unfortunately, they are on the endangered species list.

Queen Triggerfish
The Queen Triggerfish is found mostly in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Gulf of Mexico. They can be found in the coral reefs or along the bottom of the ocean. The Queen Triggerfish is an oval-shaped fish with bright green, purple, yellow, and blue coloring. There is a long portion of fin that comes out of their dorsal fin, which they use to hook themselves to rock at night so they do not float away while sleeping.
The Quelea is a bird found in Africa and is considered the most populous bird in the world. The Queleas travel in flocks of 30 million birds! Their red beaks and colorful plumage of green, pink, and orange make them a sight to see. They eat so much that they are known to destroy crops when a whole flock settles in to eat.
Other Animals That Start With Q
Investigate these other animals that begin with Q to see if you have heard about them? If you have, tell us about them in the comments!

- Quagga (Extinct)
- Quetzalcoatlus northropi (Dinosaur)

Do you know other animals that start with Q that we missed? Add them to the comments so we can add them to our list!
If you’re looking for other unique and interesting animals, be sure to check out our other Animals lists.
- Amazing Animals that Start with A
- Captivating Animals that Begin with C
- Animals That Begin With E
- Interesting Animals that Start With G
- Animals That Begin With J
- Animals That Begin With K
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- Terrific Animals that Start with T