Have you ever heard of a tall man with a big hat who became one of America’s most famous presidents? That’s right, we’re talking about Abraham Lincoln! He’s known for his tall top hat, big beard, and even bigger heart. But there’s so much more to discover about this amazing leader. Ready to dive into more facts about Abraham Lincoln that you probably have not heard yet? Well, let’s explore Honest Abe’s life and see what else we learn!

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln lived in a log cabin when he was a kid? That’s right! He didn’t grow up in a big fancy house or the White House. He lived in a simple home made of logs in the woods. In this cabin, he learned the value of hard work and honesty, which he carried with him throughout his life.
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln’s tall top was not just about style? He actually stored important papers and letters inside it. Imagine using your hat as a secret storage space! Pretty cool, huh!
Abraham Lincoln also loved animals! He had many pets, including a cat, a dog, and even some goats. He believed in being kind to every living creature, big or small. This kindness is one of the reasons so many people admired him.
Are you excited to learn more about Honest Abe? From his early days in the log cabin to his time leading the country, there are so many interesting stories and facts about Abraham Lincoln. Let’s journey back in time and get to know this legendary president even better!
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The Best Abraham Lincoln Facts

- Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.
- He was the only president to have a patent: Lincoln invented a device to free steamboats that ran aground.
- Lincoln violated some civil liberties to further the war effort.
- Abraham Lincoln only received 18 months of formal education.
- Before pursuing national politics, Lincoln served 4 consecutive terms in the Illinois state legislature

- Abraham Lincoln loved to tell stories.
- Lincoln also worked as a licensed bartender.
- Abraham Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame!
- Lincoln lost five separate elections before being elected president.
- Lincoln risked his life while fulfilling his duties as commander-in-chief of the American military.

- Abraham Lincoln established the Secret Service.
- The Lincoln family ate at the White House dinner table with their cat.
- He was estranged from his father and didn’t attend his funeral.
- He used the telegraph like email to communicate with generals.
- Lincoln set up the first National Banking System, leading to the implementation of the standard U.S. currency.

- Before he was assassinated, Abraham Lincoln had dreamt of his assassination.
- He practiced law without a degree. Lincoln had about 18 months of formal schooling.
- Abraham Lincoln used his hat to keep his important documents.
- Abraham Lincoln described himself as “a piece of floating driftwood.”
- Abraham Lincoln was nicknamed ‘Honest Abe’.

- Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day.
- Lincoln proclaimed all persons held as slaves in states of the rebellion “forever free.”
- During his assassination, Lincoln’s bodyguard was absent.
- Lincoln’s dog Fido was killed by a drunken assailant a year after Lincoln died.
- He was a general store owner, postmaster, and lawyer before being elected.

- Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theater on April 14th, 1865 and he died the following day.
- He wanted women to have the vote in 1836. The future president was a suffragette before it became fashionable.
- He didn’t drink, smoke, or chew. Lincoln was a simple man of tastes, and he never drank in the White House.
- Lincoln’s mother was killed by poisoned milk.
- He never belonged to an organized church. Lincoln read the Bible daily, but he never joined an organized church in his lifetime.

- Lincoln was shot in a theater named Ford, Kennedy was shot in a car (a Lincoln) made by Ford.
- Abraham Lincoln loved Top Hats!
- Abraham Lincoln is one of the four former Presidents who appear on Mount Rushmore.
- Lincoln battled depression for much of his life.
- Lincoln had huge feet. In fact, his shoe size was between 12 and 14. This is the biggest foot size in the U.S. president’s history.

- Abraham Lincoln also had a serious girlfriend named Mary. However, they broke up and he later married Mary Todd.
- He was a big animal lover, but he wouldn’t hunt or fish. If he were alive today, Lincoln would be running an animal shelter.
- Lincoln’s dog Fido was killed by a drunken assailant a year after Lincoln died.
- He was 6 foot 4 inches tall (1.93m), which was very tall for the 1800s.
- Abraham Lincoln was born on 12th February 1809.

- His coffin has been opened 5 times.
- His shoe size was reportedly size 14!
- Abraham Lincoln Had a Surprisingly High-Pitched Voice
- The brother of John Wilkes Booth saved Lincoln’s son.
- He was also a big fan of chicken casserole.

- The bill to create US Secret Service was on the President’s desk the night of his assassination.
- Abraham Lincoln Established Thanksgiving as a National Holiday
- Lincoln’s Wife Came from a Slave-Owning Family
- On April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was fatally shot by John Wilkes Booth.
- Lincoln was shot on Good Friday.

- Lincoln’s assassin John Wilkes Booth can be seen standing close to Lincoln in the photograph.
- His main purpose in the Civil War was to preserve the Union.
- Lincoln was born in a backwoods cabin 3 miles (5 km) south of Hodgenville, Kentucky.
- Lincoln had lots of cats in the White House. In fact, he had two cats that he fed at the dinner table. However, his wife did not like the act.
- He was also a big fan of chicken casserole.
- Lincoln’s suit was made by Brooks Brothers.

Do you have even more interesting facts about Abraham Lincoln? Share them with us in the comments! Also, don’t forget to grab your free Abraham Lincoln fact cards to add to your collection!
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