When it comes to the letter X you may be scratching your head a bit when trying to find animals that start with X, however there are some pretty incredible animals that exist. Come on a journey with us and discover some of the most unique animals in the animal kingdom.

Although animals that begin with X are few in numbers they are nothing short of captivating! Like the X-ray Tetra, a native freshwater fish that has translucent skin or the Xenopus that has a rich history of being used for scientific research and pregnancy testing. Discover more about these animals that begin with X and more below.
Learning animal facts is like unlocking a secret code to the awesome world of creatures big and small, and it’s super fun because every fact is a new piece of the puzzle that makes nature even more exciting. To learn more about other animals be sure to check out animals that start with R and animals that start with G
Commonly Known Animals That Start With X
When it comes to animals that start with X you may scratch your had at first trying to think of some, but these are some of the most commonly known animals that start with X.

Xalda Sheep
The Xalda Sheep is an anxiety breed found in Spain. Their meat is considered very high in protein so they are raised mostly for that product. Their wool is also used in making clothing. The rams, or male sheep, are known for their curved horns that are used to fight other males.
Xami Hairstreak (Butterfly)
The Xami Hairstreak is also known as the green hairstreak depending on what region it is found. The Xami Hairstreak is native to the southern regions of the United States and the Northern regions of Mexico. As a defense against predators, the Xami Hairstreak’s wings are designed to look as if its head is near its tail.

The Xerus is also known as the African Ground Squirrel. They live on the southernmost point of Africa on the savanna. The Xerus has a long fluffy tail that they use as portable shade to keep themselves cool in the heat. They burrow in the ground and are usually active during the day. They are herbivores that go searching for food every day, unlike other squirrels who store food for long periods of time.
The Xoloitzcuintli is also known as the Mexican Hairless Dog. If you have seen the movie Coco, then you have seen the Xoloitzcuintli. The Xoloitzcuintli was designated in 2016 as the symbol of the cultural heritage of Mexico City. The Xoloitzcuintli is the oldest known breed of dog in North America and has been recorded in history for over 3,000 years. There is also a coated variety of Xoloitzcuintli.

Xantus’s Hummingbird
The Xantus Hummingbird is native to the Baja peninsula of Mexico. These tiny birds grow to be no more than 3 inches long and weigh less than a pound. Typically, they have green iridescent plumage with black around their eyes and a white stripe just above their eye.
Xantus Gecko
The Xantus Gecko is also known as the Leaf-toed Gecko native to Mexico. The Xantus Gecko has pupils that are vertical and immovable eyelids. When the Xantos Gecko is picked up it makes a squeaking noise.
Zoo Animals That Start With X
Headed on a zoo adventure? Search high and low for these zoo animals that begin with X.

Xantusia Night Lizard
The Xantusia Night Lizard is a small desert lizard that is active at night in regions of the Sierra and San Gabriel Mountains in Southern California. The main body of the Xantusia Night Lizard is around 2 inches and the tail adds an additional 2 inches. A commonly known name for this lizard is the Yucca Lizard because of its tendency to live in the Yucca trees, such as the Joshua Trees.
The Xenopus is the technical name for the African Clawed Frog. The Xenopus is native to Eastern and Southern Africa and lives in stagnant water found there. The Xenopus has been used in laboratories for testing and has become an invasive species on four continents due to laboratories releasing them into the wild. The Xenopus has the ability to change its coloring depending on the location. Instead of typical webbing on their hands, they have claws that help push food into their mouths.

X-ray Tetra
The X-ray Tetra is a small fish that is completely see-through! You can see their internal organs and spine. The X-ray Tetra are native to the Amazon waters of South America. Being hardy fish they are one of the most popular freshwater fish for collectors. The X-ray Tetra has wonderful hearing due to a swim bladder being attached to their inner ear that senses vibrations.
Xingu River Ray
The Xingu River Ray’s name tells you exactly where to find it, in the waters of the Xingu River in Brazil. Like other rays, the Xingu River Ray protects itself with a venomous sticker on the end of its tail. The Xingu River Ray has a very distinct polka dot design on its skin.

Xiphosura (Horseshoe Crab)
The Xiphosura, or better known as the Horseshoe Crab, has a long history on Earth. Fossils of the Xiphosura dating back 445 million years ago have been found by scientists. Despite their name, these animals are related to scorpions and not crabs. Under their shell, you will find 10 legs, but they only use 8 for walking. The other two legs are used for grabbing food and moving it toward their mouth.
The Xenopeltis is commonly known as the Sunbeam Snake. Their iridescent scales are why people call them the Sunbeam Snake. They are nonvenomous snakes that reside in Asia. The Xenopeltis is a constrictor snake and squeezes their prey before eating it. The prefer damp locations to burrow in and come out at night.
Other Animals That Start With X
Investigate these other animals that begin with X to see if you have heard about them? If you have, tell us about them in the comments!

- Xanthippe Shrew
- Xanti Sargo
- Xantus’s Murrelet
- Xavier’s Greenbul
- Xenarthra
- Xenops
- Xantus Crab
- Xeme
- Xingu Corydoras
- Xingjiang Ground-Jay
- Xucaneb Robber Frog
- Xylophagous Leafhopper

Do you know other animals that start with X that we missed? Add them to the comments so we can add them to our list!
If you’re looking for other unique and interesting animals, be sure to check out our other Animals lists.
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