39 Fascinating Facts About the Constitution For Kids

Are you ready to take a time-travel trip to learn about one of the most important documents in the United States? That’s right, we’re talking about the Constitution! The Constitution is like the rule book for the whole country, with some pretty interesting stories behind it. So, let’s open the pages of history and explore some cool facts about the Constitution!

red background with white text "facts about Constitution" with black books that have a balance scale on them.

First, let’s think about when the Constitution was written. It was way back in 1787, a long time ago, right after the United States became its own country. Before the Constitution, the country had different rules, but they needed something better. So, a group of smart and thoughtful leaders called the Founding Fathers got together to write the Constitution.

Did you know the Constitution starts with the words “We the People”? These words show that a king or a single person doesn’t just make the country’s rules but all the people living in the United States. That’s pretty special because it means everyone is important and has a say in how the country is run.

The Constitution also has something called amendments. These are changes or additions to the rules. The first ten amendments are famous and called the Bill of Rights. They include really important things like freedom of speech and the right to a fair trial. Over time, more amendments were added to ensure the Constitution stays fair.

Are you excited to learn more facts about the Constitution, this important piece of history? The Constitution is full of interesting facts, from how it was made to the freedoms it protects. Let’s keep exploring and discovering all the amazing stories and ideas that make up the United States Constitution!

Be sure to discover even more interesting facts with our Facts about James Madison and Facts About Abraham Lincoln.

blue background with lots of facts about the constitution in white with corresponding images.

Facts about the Constitution

  1. The U.S. Constitution was written and signed at the Philadelphia Convention.
  2. It is the oldest and shortest written Constitution of any major government worldwide.
  3. George Washington and James Madison were the only two men to sign it who later became president.
  4. The Constitution has been amended 27 times.
  5. Three Latin phrases appear in the Constitution: pro tempore, ex post facto, and habeas corpus.
  6. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution were ratified together in 1791 and are collectively called the Bill of Rights.
  7. Most of the signers of the Constitution fought in the Revolutionary War.
  8. The words “democracy” and “slavery” do not appear in the Constitution.
  9. James Madison is often referred to as the Father of the Constitution.
  10. George Washington was President of the Constitutional Convention.
  11. Constitution Day is celebrated on September 17, the anniversary of the day the founders signed the document.
  12. The Constitutional Convention met at the State House in Philadelphia, PA, or Independence Hall.
  13. The Constitution does not set forth requirements for the right to vote.
  14. There were 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, although only 39 signed the document.
  15. The Constitution was “penned” by Jacob Shallus, a Pennsylvania General Assembly clerk, for $30 ($1,027 today).
  16. Six men signed both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
  17. The U.S. Constitution was prepared in secret, behind locked doors that sentries guarded.
  18. Not all the states had ratified the Constitution by April 30, 1789, when George Washington became the first President of the United States.
  19. Of the spelling errors in the Constitution, “Pennsylvania” above the signers’ names is probably the most glaring.
  20. The Constitution does not require that the Speaker of the House of Representatives be a member of the House, although a nonmember has never been chosen Speaker.
  21. Some of the original framers and many delegates in the state ratifying conventions were very troubled that the original Constitution lacked a description of individual rights.
  22. Thomas Jefferson did not sign the Constitution.
  23. Amendments to the Constitution are repealed by adding another amendment.
  24. The original Constitution is displayed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, it was moved to Fort Knox for safekeeping.
  25. James Madison, “the father of the Constitution,” was among the first to arrive in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. He arrived in early May, bearing the blueprint for the new Constitution.
  26. Thirty-nine of the forty-two delegates who attended most of the meetings signed the Constitution.
  27. The first person to sign the Constitution was George Washington.
  28. The U.S. Constitution has 4,400 words.
  29. The Constitution became law on June 21, 1788, after two-thirds of the states ratified it.
  30. Rhode Island was the only state that refused to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention and was the last state to ratify the Constitution (May 29, 1790).
  31. Patrick Henry was chosen to attend the Constitutional Convention but did not because, as he famously said, he “smelt a rat.”
  32. Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution.
  33. At 81, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania was the oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention and at 26, Jonathon Dayton of New Jersey was the youngest.
  34. Not all the states had ratified the Constitution by April 30, 1789, when George Washington became the first President of the United States.
  35. Of the spelling errors in the Constitution, “Pennsylvania” above the signers’ names is probably the most glaring.
  36. The Constitution does not require that the Speaker of the House of Representatives be a member of the House, although a nonmember has never been chosen Speaker.
  37. Some of the original framers and many delegates in the state ratifying conventions were very troubled that the original Constitution lacked a description of individual rights.
  38. Thomas Jefferson did not sign the Constitution.
  39. Amendments to the Constitution are repealed by adding another amendment.

Do you have even more interesting facts about the Constitution? Share them with us in the comments!

we the people document with a red circle with 39 and the words "fun facts about the constitution"

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