25+ Best St. Patrick’s Day Writing Prompts

Today is your lucky day because we have some amazing St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts for your little leprechauns. You won’t even have to trap them to write in their journals because these writing prompts will be your lucky charm! 

5 St. Patrick's Day writing prompts PDF sheets with 6 border

These prompts will be great to use at home with your children to help spark an idea or memory to write about if you are a teacher; what an easy way to help your students with their creative writing! These prompts are a great way to get past those pesky writing blocks!
You have just found the pot of gold of fun, festive writing prompts! When March rolls around, you will be happy to have these on hand! These prompts will spark your kid’s imagination, and their journaling or writing practice will be a breeze. There is something for everyone with these fun, creative St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts!

St. Patrick's Day Writing prompts PDF sheets

How Can I Use These Writing Prompts for St. Patrick’s Day?

At Home

Writing prompts are a fabulous way to enrich your child’s love of writing. These prompts take the guesswork out of writing. Instead of thinking of what they have to write, they can pour more energy into the writing itself! Your kids will be sharpening their penmanship, working on grammar and spelling, and using their imaginations all at once! Don’t let these St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts escape! Grab yours up today!

In the Classroom

Make creative writing fun for your students with these St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts. These prompts eliminate your student’s writing block or frustrations. With a little bit of fun and some thoughtful reflection, your students will be writing imaginative stories of Leprechauns and pots o’gold in no time!

Benefits of Writing Prompts

There are many benefits to these St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts. These writing prompts take the guesswork out of what to write. Your kids and students will improve their spelling, and writing skills as they respond to these St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts. They will fall in love with creative writing!

St. Patrick’s Day Writing Prompts

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  • What would your name be if you were a Leprechaun? Why would you choose that name?
  • If you found a four leaf clover and you had good luck for one day, what would that look like?
  • You found a pot of gold! What would you do with all that gold?
  • If you were a leprechaun, where would you hide your pot of gold?
  • Do you have a lucky charm? What makes it lucky?
  • Do you consider yourself lucky? Why or why not?
  • How do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? 
  • If you had to catch a leprechaun, how would you do it?
  • If you could be a leprechaun, would you want to be one? Why or why not?
  • If you were a leprechaun, what would you wear?
  • What would your three wishes be if you caught a leprechaun?
  • What would you rather have: a pot of gold, a four leaf clover, or a leprechaun? Why?
  • What would you eat if you could only eat green food for a day?
  • Write a limerick that starts with “There once was a…”
  • If you could make a wish for your best friend, what would you wish for?
  • If you could make a wish for your family, what would you wish for?
  • If you were a leprechaun for a day, what would you do?
  • St. Patrick had a holiday named after him, if you had a holiday named after you how would people celebrate it?
  • What is your favorite color of the rainbow? Why?
  • What are some of your favorite things about St. Patrick’s Day?
  • Describe a time when you felt really lucky.
  • If you met a leprechaun, what would you do?
  • What do leprechauns do all the other days of the year?
  • What was your unluckiest day?
  • If you could go to Ireland, what would you do there?
  • Describe the perfect leprechaun trap.
  • Have you ever tried to catch a leprechaun? What did you do to try to catch him?

What is a writing prompt for St. Patrick’s Day that we can add to the list? Share it in the comments and don’t forget to download these writing prompts to get your kids to love writing and spark all kinds of creativity.

Looking for more writing prompts, check these out!

Would you like a sample of our writing prompts? Grab our 48 fun writing prompts for kids here.

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For Kids
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