Trying to find the perfect way to help your little young minds grow? These Kindergarten writing prompts will help inspire your young creative learners to think out of the box and tap into their creative thinking.

These Kindergarten writing prompts will help them use their imagination, develop more self-awareness and emotional intelligence, create relationships with peers, and learn how to problem-solve and think positively.
And as a bonus, it is an excellent way for us to get to know our kids better!
Benefits of Kindergarten Writing Prompts

There are so many benefits to introducing your kindergartener to writing prompts. Writing prompts helps your child’s creative thinking to grow and explore their outside-of-the-box ideas through words and pictures.
In order to encourage writing and creative thinking, you will want to use open-ended questions. When you use open-ended questions, you will be helping your child or student’s expand their vocabulary.
So instead of getting your typical yes and no responses to answers, you will get a more in-depth, detailed answer and see how you can connect better by actively listening.

How To Use These Prompts At Home
It is easy to use these journal prompts at home.
- You can sit with your kids at the table or another comfortable spot and help them read the prompt.
- Give them time to think about it as well as verbally respond.
- Give your child a fun piece of paper or our journal prompt sheet.
- They can try to write their prompt as well as draw a picture of their ideas.
- Save these prompts to see how much your child changes over time.
How To Use These Prompts At School
Use these prompts for writing time in the classroom
- Pass out a prompt to each child or the same prompt.
- Use our journal prompt pages with pictures that give each child the space to write as well as illustrate their thoughts.
- Combine all the prompts throughout the year in a book to give to the kids at the end of the year. The parents will be in awe of how much their child has grown over the year.
How To Make a Journal Using Writing Prompts
This can be a creative way to connect with your kids and make journals.
Get Creative
Grab a folder and decorate the cover however your child likes. Once the cover is complete, add all the journal prompt pages to create a fun journal prompt book.

Printable Template
Kindergarten Writing Prompts

- What is your favorite color? Why is that your favorite color?
- What is your favorite sea animal? Why?
- If you could be any animal, what kind of animal would it be and why?
- If you could eat any meal for the day, what would it be?
- What is your favorite food?

- If you could grant three wishes, what would one of them be?
- What is your favorite toy, and why is it your favorite toy? Tell us about it
- Talk about one good thing that happened today was
- What is one bad thing that happened today? How can we make it better?
- What is one of your favorite smells? Why is that your favorite?

- What is something you want to be or do when you grow up? Why?
- What is one thing you like to do with your family?
- If you could do anything today, what would it be?
- If you could take any pet animal home, what would it be and why? How would you take care of it?
- What are some of your favorite things to do on rainy days?

- What are some of your favorite things to do on sunny days?
- If you were going on an adventure under the moonlight, what would you bring, and where would you be going?
- What is your favorite holiday? What has made this your favorite holiday?
- What is something nice that you have done today?
- Talk about an adventure you have been on with your family.

- If you found yourself at the end of the rainbow, what would you find there?
- How are you feeling at this moment? Try describing it.
- What do you think being happy means? Try describing it.
- What do you think being sad means? Try describing it.
- What do you think being angry means? Try describing it.

- What are three things that make you unique?
- What are some that make your family unique?
- Can you tell me what it means to be kind to someone else?
- What is your favorite movie, and why is it your favorite?
- Write about a dream you have had recently.

- Talk about something you learned about yourself this week.
- Describe something you like to do when you go outside.
- If you would go anywhere you wanted to go, where would you want to go?
- What would you make it do if you found a magic rock on the ground?
- What is one of your most extraordinary talents?

- Describe the best day ever.
- Write about a time you and your friend had an argument and what you guys did do to problem-solve.
- What is your favorite game to play?
- What is your favorite outside activity to do?
- What is your favorite indoor activity to do?

- Describe a time you helped someone? How did it make you feel?
- Talk about your favorite stuff animal.
- Describe two things that you like to do.
- Describe two things that you do not like to do.
- If you could create your own world, what would it be like?

- If you could dress up as anything/anyone you wanted what/who would it be?
- What are two things that you learned today?
- What is something that has made you happy today?
- If you could be in any movie you have seen, what movie would you want to be in, and who would you want to be?
- If you found a treasure chest, what would you want to be inside it?

- What is your favorite type of weather? Why is it your favorite?
- What is something you like to do before going to bed?
- What do you enjoy doing when you are getting ready for the day?
- If you could fly like a bird, where would you go, and what would you do?
- What kinds of books do you like to read?

- If you could write your own storybook, what would it be about?
- Have you ever been to a zoo or a farm? Talk about it.
- What is one thing you can do to help nature?
Looking for more writing prompts, check these out!
- Journal Prompts
- Birthday Journal Prompts
- Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts
- St. Patrick’s Day Writing Prompts
- June Writing Prompts
- September Writing Prompts
- October Writing Prompts
- November Writing Prompts
- Kindergarten Writing Prompts
Would you like a sample of our writing prompts? Grab our 48 fun writing prompts for kids here.