Is your birthday coming up? Do you or your kids want to start a journal, but you aren’t sure where to start? This list of Birthday Journal Prompts can help you make a special birthday journal for your kids!
Birthday Journal Prompts

Birthdays are a great time to reflect on the past and think about the future. They give everyone a chance to slow down and ponder. It’s a great time to record some of those thoughts, and journal prompts can help get the creative thinking moving.
Benefits Of Writing Prompts

Journal prompts are a great way to get started writing in a journal or even reflecting on life, especially when you don’t know where to start. Journal prompts give you a little direction and help get the words flowing. I always say writing prompts really help me with writer’s block, or journaling when I’m not feeling inspired.

How To Use Writing Prompts At Home
Journal prompts are awesome if you want to start a journal, but aren’t sure where to begin. They can give you an idea of what to write about.
Simply pick one of our prompts and get writing! You can hand letter the prompt into your notebook, or print out the prompts and choose one randomly from a jar. The possibilities are endless!
How To Use Writing Prompts At School
Journal prompts can be a great way to practice handwriting skills. One idea is to have students write the prompt in a notebook, and get writing. Another idea could be to paste one prompt on each page of the journal, allowing students to simply open their notebooks and get started.
How To Make A Journal Using Writing Prompts
Making a journal is simple. All you need is a notebook and something to write with. You can add other fun tools if you’d like, such as colored pens, markers, stickers, or washi tape, but they are completely optional. Your journal is yours to use, so use it how you want to!

Printable Birthday Journal Prompts
Be sure to grab you printable journal prompts right here.
Birthday Journal Writing Prompts

- Before your next birthday, what would you like to accomplish?
- Who have you been loving spending time with this year?
- How do you typically celebrate your birthday?
- What are you most looking forward to in the next year?

- What gift would you most like to receive for your birthday this year?
- If age wasn’t a factor, what would you do?
- What lessons have you learned since last year?
- What are your hopes for the coming year?

- What was the best birthday you can remember?
- What is something on my mind right now about the last year?
- What is your most embarrassing birthday story?
- How would you like to celebrate your next birthday?

- What is the best thing about being your age?
- What are you most looking forward to in the next year?
- What surprised you the most about the last year?
- How would I like to grow in the next year?

- What are you most worried about for the future?
- What are three things you are grateful for?
- How have you changed the most from your last birthday?
- What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned since your last birthday?

- What were you most looking forward to this time last year?
- What was the most impactful thing that happened in the last year?
- What changes in the last year have surprised you most?
- What were my weak spots in the last year?

- What was the most challenging thing that happened in the last year?
- How did you get through the challenges you faced in the last year?
- What brought me the most joy in the last year?
- What would you say if you could talk with yourself from 10 years ago?

- What would you say if you could talk with your 10-year-old self?
- What would you say if you could talk with yourself 10 years from now?
- What would you like life to look like by your next birthday?
- What big goal do you have between now and your next birthday?

- What hobbies would you like to spend more time focusing on?
- What do you most appreciate about turning the age you are turning?
- If you could go back 1 year to your last birthday, what would you do differently?
- What surprised you about the last year?

- What would you like to have more of in the next year?
- What would you like to have less of in the next year?
- How do you feel about aging?
- How do you feel about this birthday?

- What is one thing you hope to experience before your next birthday?
- What are you going to leave behind this year?
- What is one thing you are willing to let go of this year?
- What new experiences are you open to welcoming into your life this year?

- What is the greatest experience of your life?
- What is one word that describes you?
- What is one word that describes the last year?
- What is one word you’d like to describe the next year?

- What was the lowest point of the past year?
- What’s the greatest gift you’ve ever received on your birthday?
- Are you feeling optimistic going into the next year?
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

- What do you value most in life, and how do you prioritize that in the coming year?
- Which word describes your emotions going into the next year?
- How will I make more room in my life for the things I love in the next year?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

- What does the saying “every day is a gift” mean to you?
- What do you plan to accomplish daily to meet your goals for the next year?
- What is your favorite type of birthday celebration?
- What is something you are proud of from the last year?

- What are three amazing things that happened in the last year?
- What growth happened in the last year?
- What was most overwhelming in the last year?
- How will I nurture my mind, body, and spirit over the next year?
These birthday journal prompts are the perfect way to celebrate your birthday! Do you have other prompt ideas? Be sure to add them in the comments as well!
Looking for more writing prompts, check these out!
- Journal Prompts
- Birthday Journal Prompts
- Valentine’s Day Writing Prompts
- St. Patrick’s Day Writing Prompts
- June Writing Prompts
- September Writing Prompts
- October Writing Prompts
- November Writing Prompts
- Kindergarten Writing Prompts
Would you like a sample of our writing prompts? Grab our 48 fun writing prompts for kids here.