Fun Summer Activities for Kids

Summertime – the kids are out of school, the weather is beautiful, but the words I hear most often are “I’m bored!” Here’s a great list of Summer Activities for Kids so you can keep them busy and having fun all summer long! 

featured image, with image of kids playing in the grass and bold text stating "fun summer activities for kids"

Summer Fun Activities for Kids

Summer is a great time for kids to have fun and enjoy themselves outside of the classroom. Having summer fun activities for kids is important because it provides them with a chance to learn new skills, make new friends, and have fun in a safe and supervised environment. Activities like summer camps, sports programs, and outdoor adventures can help kids stay active and engaged throughout the summer break. 

Summer fun activities can also help prevent boredom. By providing opportunities for kids to have fun and explore their interests, you can help them develop a lifelong love of learning and exploration.

in-post image with kids playing in a water fight.

Summer Outdoor Activities For Kids

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunts are so much fun and a great way to get your gets moving and exploring! There are so many great ones to choose from! Try a Nature or Outside Scavenger Hunt for generic locations, or if you’re going to be at the beach, we have a Beach Scavenger Hunt. We also have a hunt for the 4th of July, and one with just pictures so it’s easy for young kids to play! 

Sidewalk Chalk

The possibilities are truly endless. Grab a big box of chalk and create to your heart’s content. Your kids could create a chalk obstacle course on the ground or even make up their own life size board game

Water Fight

Fill up water guns, spray bottles, water balloons or even soak some sponges and get ready to get wet! Summer is always the perfect time for water play. If you have sprinklers, turn them on and let the kids run around in them! 


You can make your own bubble solution and even your own wands if you don’t want to buy them. Pipe cleaners twisted together make wonderful bubble wands. See what sorts of shapes make the biggest bubbles! 

Go on a Picnic

My kids are ALWAYS asking to go on picnics, and they’re thrilled even if we just go to our backyard or to a nearby park! For some reason, eating lunch on a blanket is much more exciting than eating at the table. 

Frozen Rescue

Fill a plastic container with water and several waterproof toys such as plastic animals. Put the container in your freezer overnight. In the morning, pop the ice block out of the container and give you kids some small tools. They’ll love chiseling the ice away or finding creative ways to melt it so they can get to their toys! 

in-post image with family playing games together.

Indoor Activities For Summer


Charades is always a fun game to play with kids, and this list of Summer Charades is perfect to get you started! It’s a great way to get your kids up and moving on a day when it’s too hot or too rainy to go outside. 

Write Letters to Relatives

Even if your relatives live close by, it’s still fun to send mail! Have your kids write a letter, draw a picture, or create a beautiful card and then teach them how to stamp and address the envelope! 

Build a Fort

Making a living room fort is one of the most fun things to do, even for grownups! When you’re done, cozy up inside with flashlights and some good books! 

in-post image with family bowling together

Play Trivia Games

Trivia can be such a fun way to pass the time on a lazy summer day. This list of Trivia Questions for Kids is just what you need to get started! 

Places to Go For Kids In The Summer 


The zoo is one of our favorite places to visit during the summer. There are so many fun animals to see and it tires my kids out running around the whole time! Check to see if the membership options are reasonable, and you can go over and over all summer long! 

Splash Pad or Local Pool

When you just can’t beat the heat, it’s time to get wet! Many local splash pads are free, and local pools typically have very low admittance fees. Just don’t forget the sunscreen! 


Many local movie theaters will have summer movie specials just for kids! Admission is only a few dollars and even snacks are discounted. This is a great way to introduce your kids to the big screen without spending the big bucks! 


Local bowling alleys sometimes have summer specials for kids. Check to see if yours does and then meet up with some friends for a fun afternoon! 

Skating Rink

My kids love going to the skating rink for school fundraisers, but they’re open all summer long! I enjoy skating around with them and reliving my childhood memories. 


Local libraries usually have a summer reading program for kids and lots of free events over the summer. Check out their schedule and see what interests your family! 

in-post image with kids doing a science experiment

Learning Activities

Science Experiments

There are so many great little science experiments for kids online! Some of our favorites include dropping Mentos into bottles of Diet Coke, and playing with baking soda and vinegar. You could also make slime, oobleck (cornstarch and water) or a simple activity where you discover which types of liquid an Alka Seltzer tablet will dissolve in the fastest. 

Interview A Family Member

Come up with a list of questions for older relatives and then go interview them! Your child could record the interview and then share it with other relatives or write about their experience. 


Work on their writing skills with these fun Kids Journal prompts! Perfect for the summer and keeping their brains working! 

Kids Book Club

Start a book club with the neighborhood kids or some friends! Pick books together and meet once a week to talk about them. If you have younger kids, you can pick several picture books all on the same topic or theme, and older kids could read a chapter book. This post has all the details if you really want to get fancy with it! 

Virtual Travel

Learn about different countries this summer with the Free Global Children’s Book Club. They even have a printable passport for your kids to color and write in as they learn about each country. There are books, activities, recipes and more! 

in-post image with dad and kids crafting

Summer Arts and Crafts Activities For Kids

Paper Bag Puppets

My kids have an entire collection of paper bag puppets and they always want to make more! They are the perfect summer activity because once they are made, they inspire another activity – puppet shows!

Color by number 

Sometimes you just need to relax with a little coloring. Color by number sheets are great because they help your kids practice color and number recognition as well as fine motor skills! 


We always read a lot during the summer so we always need bookmarks. There are so many cute ones to be found on our website. We hope you have enough books! 

Salad Spinner Art

This is a great activity to do outside because it’s a little messy! When you’re done you’ll have so many beautiful works of art. 

Patriotic Crafts

Independence Day is the perfect opportunity to create some red white and blue crafts. Every holiday needs some crafting! 

in-post image with family cooking together

Summer Cooking Ideas For Kids

Make Ice Pops

When it’s hot outside, you really need a sweet treat to cool you down. Ice pops are a great activity for kids because they are so easy to make. Try these yummy Strawberry Lemonade Ice pops, or make up your own delicious flavors! 

Rainbow Cool Whip Sandwiches

This 3 ingredient frozen treat is just the thing for a warm day and perfect for little helpers! You truly can’t mess this one up! 

Jello Grapes

This is an excellent summer snack that your kids will be able to make all on their own! Anything that gets them eating more fruit is a win in my book! 

Frozen S’mores

I love s’mores but sometimes summer isn’t the best time for a hot treat. Enter these delicious and easy Frozen S’mores! 

Plastic Bag Ice Cream

This is part science experiment, part dessert! Your kids will love making their own delicious ice cream to enjoy. 

pin image, featuring image of mom with kids in a blanket fort and dad with two kids crafting, and white text stating "fun summer activities for kids"

What do you like to do in the summer with your kids? Share with us in the comments so we can add to our list! 

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