August Come Follow Me Primary Talks [2025]

Are you looking for a simple August Come Follow Me Primary Talk about the Doctrine and Covenants? These primary talks are written based on the Come Follow Me topics each week for August. The great thing about these August Come Follow Me Primary Talks is that you can use them throughout the whole year, and they are perfect for Junior primary kids and senior primary kids.

pink horizontal rectangle with six overlapping sheets of paper with each sheet of paper has text from august primary talks a black circle in bottom left corner with black and white temple graphic and frosting and glue logo in bottom right corner

You can download all the links below. These are perfect for Primary presidencies to have in the closet for last minute talks or for parents to grab for their child’s talk.

Looking for a different month? Check out our other Come Follow Me Primary Talks!

2025 August Come Follow Me Primary Talks

Week #1- July 28-August 3 “The Power of Godliness”

teal vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from July 28-August 3 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Junior– Jesus wants us to be His friends. In Doctrine and Covenants 84:77, He says, “I say unto you, my friends.” He loves us and wants us to follow Him. Jesus is my best friend. He leads by example, forgives us, and shows us how to be kind. We can show we are His friends by praying, reading scriptures, and being kind. When we do this, we feel His love. I know Jesus wants to be my friend. I’m thankful for His love. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Senior– Jesus wants us to be His friends. In Doctrine and Covenants 84:77, Jesus says, “I say unto you, my friends, I leave these sayings with you.” He loves us and wants us to follow Him. Jesus is the best friend we could ever have. He shows His love for us by teaching us, helping us, and forgiving us when we make mistakes. We can show Jesus that we are His friends by following Him. We can pray, read the scriptures, and try to be kind like He was. When we do these things, we feel closer to Him. I know that Jesus wants to be my friend. I know that as I follow Him, I can feel His love and be a good friend to others, too. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Week #2- August 4-10 “Stand Ye In Holy Places”

teal vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from August 4-10 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Junior– Heavenly Father wants us to feel safe and strong. In Doctrine and Covenants 87:8, it says, “Stand ye in holy places.” This means staying close to Jesus Christ. Holy places are the temple, church, or even our homes when we pray and read scriptures. When we make good choices and think about Jesus, we feel His love and peace. I know that when we stay close to Jesus, we are standing in holy places. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Senior– Heavenly Father has given us a way to feel safe and strong. In Doctrine and Covenants 87:8, He says, “Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved.” This means we should stay close to Jesus Christ and choose places, thoughts, and actions that help us feel his love and peace. Holy places can be places like the temple, church, or even our homes when we pray or read scriptures. Holy thoughts come when we think about Jesus and try to be kind and forgiving. When we stand in holy places, we feel peace and the love of Jesus Christ. It helps us stay strong, even when hard things happen around us. I know that when we stay close to Jesus and make good choices, we are standing in holy places. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Week #3- August 11-17 “Establish a House of God”

teal vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from August 11-17 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Junior– In Doctrine and Covenants 88:63, Jesus says, “Seek me diligently, and ye shall find me.” This means if we follow Him, we can feel His love. We can seek Jesus by praying, reading scriptures, and being kind and honest. When we do these things, we feel closer to Him and see His blessings. I know when we seek the Savior, we will find Him. He loves us and helps us every day. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Senior– In Doctrine and Covenants 88:63, He says, “Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently, and ye shall find me.” If we try to follow Him, we can feel His love and guidance in our lives. Seeking Jesus means praying, reading the scriptures, and learning about Him at church. It also means trying to be kind, honest, and forgiving like He taught us. When we do these things, we feel closer to Him and can see His blessings in our lives. I know that when we seek the Savior, we will find Him. He loves us and wants to help us every day. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Week #4- August 18-24 “A Principle with Promise”

teal vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from August 18-24 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Junior– Heavenly Father gave us the Word of Wisdom to help us be healthy and strong. In Doctrine and Covenants 89, it says our bodies are like temples, and we need to take care of them. The Word of Wisdom tells us to eat good foods like fruits and vegetables. It warns us not to use things that can harm our bodies. We can decide now to follow the Word of Wisdom and say, “No, thank you,” if someone offers us something bad. When we follow it, it makes Heavenly Father happy and he blesses me. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Senior– Heavenly Father gave us the Word of Wisdom to help us be healthy and strong. In Doctrine and Covenants 89, the Lord teaches us how to care for our bodies and spirits. He says our bodies are like temples, and we need to take care of them. The Word of Wisdom tells us to eat good foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains. It also warns us not to use things like alcohol, tobacco, or drugs that can harm our bodies. Heavenly Father wants us to be strong and healthy so we can do His work. We should decide now to live the Word of Wisdom. If someone offers us something against the Word of Wisdom, we can say, “No, thank you.” Heavenly Father promises to bless us when we live the Word of Wisdom. I’m thankful for the Word of Wisdom and for Heavenly Father’s love for us. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Week #5- August 25-31 “Receive of His Fulness”

teal vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from August 25-31 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Junior– We lived with Heavenly Father before we were born. In Doctrine and Covenants 93:29, it says, “Man was also in the beginning with God.” This means we were spirits living with Him. Heavenly Father sent us to earth to get bodies, make choices, and follow Jesus. I’m thankful Heavenly Father sent us to earth to learn and grow. I know He loves us and wants us to return to Him. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Senior– We lived with Heavenly Father before we were born. In Doctrine and Covenants 93:29, it says, “Man was also in the beginning with God.” This means that before we came to earth, we were spirits living with Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father loves us, and He sent us to earth to learn and grow. We came here to Earth to get bodies, make choices, and follow Jesus Christ. We can remember that we lived with God before we came to Earth when we sing songs like “I Am a Child of God” or “I Lived in Heaven.” These songs remind us of our purpose and that Heavenly Father has a plan for us. I’m thankful that Heavenly Father sent us to earth to learn and follow Him. I know He loves us and wants us to return to Him someday. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

pin image white vertical rectangle with pink box at top with the text 2025 August come follow me primary talks below pink box image of four overlapping white sheets of paper each with text from August come follow me primary talks in left bottom corner black circle with black and white graphic of temple at bottom of image thin pink rectangle with text frosting ang glue in white

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2024 August Come Follow Me Primary Talks

pink vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from august week 1 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Week #1- “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”

Junior– Small acts of kindness make my family happy. When I am nice to my family, there is more love in my home. When I help with the chores, my mom and dad are happy. When I share with my brother or sister, I help to make my home a happy place. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Senior– I can make small, daily choices that will strengthen my faith and my testimony. These small choices can lead me to more joy in my life. Some of the small, daily choices that I make every day are to say my prayers, read the scriptures, and be kind to others. I know that every choice has consequences, good or bad. This means that every time I choose the right, I will grow, and good things can happen. President Dallin H. Oaks said, “Each of these small and simple things invites the companionship of the Holy Ghost, the Testifier who enlightens us and guides us into truth.” As Alma says in Alma 87:6, “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” I know that if I continue to choose the right and be obedient, I will be blessed. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

pink vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from august week 2 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Week #2- My good example can lead others to Christ.

Junior– I want to be like Jesus. When I follow Jesus’ example, I will be obedient and choose the right. I will be happy as I make good choices. My family and friends may want to make good choices so they can be happy, too. I know that my good example can help lead others to Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Senior– I can be a good example to my friends. I know that, even when others are making bad choices, I can always make the choice to do what’s right. If someone is being bullied, I can stick up for them. If someone is sad and alone, I can be a friend. If someone needs my help, I can help them. I will try to be brave and always choose the right. I know that when I follow Jesus’ example of love and kindness, others can be inspired to do so, too. My example can lead others to follow Christ. Matthew 5:16 reads, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I want to let my let shine so that others may want to come to Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

pink vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from august week 3 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Week #3- I can find spiritual protection in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Junior– I feel safe when I hold my mommy’s hand to cross the street. I know that she will protect me. Jesus Christ also wants to protect me. He protects me by teaching me how to live so I can be happy and live with Him again someday. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Senior– Just as Moroni prepared the Nephite soldiers with armor that protected them from the Lamanites, I can use the gospel of Jesus Christ as a protection for spiritual battles in my life. I can put on the “armor” by saying daily prayers, reading my scriptures, being obedient, being repentant, and learning from modern-day prophets and apostles. As I do these things, I will be blessed with greater access to the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will guide me in my decisions and protect me from danger. The Holy Ghost will speak truth to my heart and protect me from Satan’s deceptions. Elder James E. Faust once said, “The Holy Ghost is the greatest guarantor of inward peace in our unstable world.” I know that I can continue to feel the peace and protection of the gospel of Jesus Christ as I make choices that keep me close to the Holy Ghost. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

pink vertical rectangle with white vertical rectangle inside with text from august week 4 primary talks with black circle with black and white temple graphic in bottom left corner and the text frosting and glue in white centered at bottom

Week #4- I can be faithful to God like Helaman’s young soldiers.

Junior– The army of Helaman had 2000 young soldiers. They had never fought before. But they were faithful, kept the commandments, and trusted God. Because of their faith, they were protected and won the battle. I want to be faithful like the army of Helaman. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Senior– When life is hard, and we are struggling with feeling sad or upset, we may wonder if we have what it takes to get through tough times. The army of Helaman consisted of 2000 young soldiers who had never been in a battle. But they were faithful that God would protect them. Their faith is what protected them. Their story is a great example of why it is important to have faith in the Lord that He will always be there for us. When we are feeling sad or upset about something, we can remind ourselves that we can be faithful like Helaman’s young soldiers. We can remember the things our own mothers have taught us about how much the Lord loves us. When I am faithful that the Lord will protect me, I can be as brave as they were. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

pin image white vertical rectangle with pink box at top with the text august come follow me primary talks below pink box image of six overlapping white sheets of paper each with text from august come follow me primary talks in left bottom corner black circle with black and white graphic of temple at bottom of image thin pink rectangle with text frosting ang glue in white
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